Spreker: | dr. J.H. van Maarseveen |
Datum: | Maandag 8 december 2014 |
Locatie: | Hogeschool van Rotterdam, G.J. de Jonghweg 4-6, 3015 GG Rotterdam |
Aanvang: | 19:30 uur |
Korte inhoud van de lezing:
De afgelopen 15 jaar zijn er verschillende Nobelprijzen gevallen in de Organische Chemie.
Naast het bespreken van deze onderwerpen en de impact die ze daarna gehad hebben sta ik stil bij de belangrijkste resultaten van de afgelopen 15 jaar tot het hedendaagse front.
Ik zal eindigen met belangrijke problemen die er nu liggen en waarvoor de Organische Chemie oplossingen zal moeten vinden.
Curriculum Vitae van Jan van MaarseveenJan van Maarseveen holds a position as Associate Professor Synthetic Organic Chemistry within the Van ’t Hoff Institute of Molecular Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. He studied chemistry at the University of Nijmegen and received his PhD at this university with Prof. Binne Zwanenburg and Dr. Hans W. Scheeren in 1994. In the same year, he joined Solvay-Pharmaceuticals (Weesp, The Netherlands) as a group leader in the Medicinal Chemistry Department. He was appointed at the University of Amsterdam in 1999 as an Assistant Professor. In 2004 he briefly joined the group of Prof. Rheza Ghadiri at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, USA) to develop new methods for cyclic peptide synthesis using click chemistry. His current research interests are the development of novel and bio-inspired synthetic methodology to enable difficult peptide cyclizations, homogeneous organo- and metal-catalyzed catalysis and the combination of organic synthesis and biology. He is an enthousiastic teacher providing numerous courses within the Science Faculties of both Amsterdam Universities, Amsterdam University College and webcourses for the Universiteit van Nederland. In 2013 he was awarded as the best teacher of the University of Amsterdam. He is a board member of the workgroup Design and Synthesis of the Dutch Organization for Scienctific Research (NWO) and an expert-member of panel WT4 of the Flemish Organization for Scienctific Research (FWO). He is (co-)author of over 100 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and contributed one chapter to a book.
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