Avondlezing door Michiel Schöller georganiseerd door de Rotterdamsche Chemische Kring
NORTHVOLT lithiumbatterijenfabriek in Skelleftea (Noord Zweden)
Michiel heeft (als waterzuiveringsspecialist) bij het Zweedse NORTHVOLT een half jaar meegewerkt aan de bouw van de veruit grootste lithiumbatterijenfabriek van Europa. Aandeelhouders zijn onder andere Volvo, Scania, BMW en Volkswagen. Het initiatief wordt ondersteund met Europese en Zweedse subsidies. De premium lithium batterij technologie is super high tech en in eigen huis in de laboratoria in Stockholm ontwikkeld.
Het geïnvesteerd vermogen is/wordt in totaal > € 50 miljard. Momenteel werken er ca. 5.000 mensen, ca. 100 nationaliteiten aan dit project. Er worden giga fabrieken gebouwd in Skelleftea (Noord Zweden), Göteborg en Börlange (bij Volvo en Scania), Gdansk (Polen), Heide (Duitsland) en Quebec (Canada).
In de lezing wordt ingegaan op onder andere de volgende punten:
- Waarom lithuimbatterijen ?
- Werking;
- Batterijmaterialen;
- Eigenschappen batterijen;
- Karakterisering NORTHVOLT;
- Productieproces van Lithiumbatterijen;
- Recycling;
- Waarom de grootste productielocatie in Skelleftea, Lapland ?
- Waterzuiveringsaspecten.
Curriculum Vitae (short):
Key qualifications/Specific experience:Mr. Schöller has a 40 years standing record of water and sludge treatment projects at the industry and (semi) governmental organisations in the Netherlands, Western & Eastern Europe, Asia and South America. He has also executed a number of drinking water supply projects in Asia. He is specialised in sustainable and robust process designs lowering the energy and CO2-footprint.
His assignments varied from specialized studies to source control, evaluation, optimization, basic and detailed process and equipment design and engineering, cost estimates, vendor selection and commissioning. This regarding process water and waste water (a.o. sewage), water supply systems, groundwater- (at soil remediation), waste processing and off gas/flue gas treatment plants. He is responsible for acquisition, execution and engineering management/supervision of small up to very large scale projects (total investment € 50.000,- - € 160.000.000,-) executed individually or in (large) design teams.
In 2000 he raised his own Consulting & Engineering company PuriTec, after 16 years’ experience at an American Engineering Contractor (Raytheon, formerly Badger) and a large Dutch Consulting Engineering Company (Royal HaskoningDHV). In 2004 Mr. Schöller joined TRIONpartners, an Environmental Consultancy & Engineering enterprise consisting of three experienced consultants and formed Trion PuriTec Consulting & Engineering.
Knowledge and experience in the fields:
- Process water treatment (boiler feed water (= de-ionized), condensate, cooling water, process water);
- Waste water- (a.o. sewage) and sludge treatment (both physical chemical and anaerobic (meso- and thermophilic), anoxic and aerobic biological treatment);
- Steam and condensate systems, plant/instrument air, nitrogen;
- Source control and process integrated recovery and treatment;
- Drinking water supply & sludge treatment in developing countries (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Middle East);
- Recovery of valuable compounds and/or water from process streams;
- Water related energy saving/recovery (reducing the energy and CO2 footprint);
- Exceptional knowledge and experience of (heavy) metal and anion recovery & treatment and organic micropollutant elimination, including “exotic metals”, dioxins, furans, EOX, PCB’s and PAH’s;
- Polluted groundwater treatment at soil remediation projects;
- Scaling and corrosion prevention (water related):
- Off gas and flue gas treatment (water related), stench abatement (water related).
Introducé(e)s zijn van harte welkom.
Stuur daartoe een mail naar chemischekringrotterdam@gmail.com.