Over Innovatieve perspectieven op kankerbehandeling door ontwikkeling van beeldgestuurde therapeutica

Innovatieve perspectieven op kankerbehandeling door ontwikkeling van beeldgestuurde therapeutica

Avondlezing door dr. Kristina Djanashvili georganiseerd door de Rotterdamsche Chemische Kring

Innovatieve perspectieven op kankerbehandeling door ontwikkeling van beeldgestuurde therapeutica

Kanker is een van de meest verwoestende ziekten, waarbij het aantal patiënten wereldwijd elk jaar toeneemt. Door de algemene toepassing van screening wordt het steeds in een vroeg stadium gediagnosticeerd. Dit resulteert in een goede langetermijnprognose voor de patiënten, wat op zijn beurt vraagt om therapieën die niet alleen effectief zijn, maar ook zorgen voor minimale bijwerkingen. Een ideale behandeling zou een minimaal invasieve, real-time, beeldgestuurde interventie zijn. Om dit te bereiken, zetten wetenschappers zich in om nieuwe materialen te ontwikkelen op zowel moleculair als nanoniveau. Een van de veelbelovende strategieën op dit gebied is het ontwerp van theranostica -middelen die diagnostische en therapeutische componenten in één formulering combineren. Deze lezing geeft een overzicht van enkele veelbelovende concepten en toont hun potentieel in de oncologie.

Curriculum Vitae (short):

RCK-Djanashvili2004-2009 PhD degree at Delft University of Technology (TUD) Thesis: Conjugates of Lanthanide(III) Chelates and Phenylboronates for Molecular Recognition of Tumors (13/01/2009, Cum Laude) co-promotor - Dr. J.A. Peters, promotor - Prof. Dr. I.W.C.E. Arends
1997-2001 University of Applied Sciences in Rotterdam - BSc in Organic Chemistry Thesis: Synthesis of Activated Acids for Enzymatic Resolution of Alcohols Supervisor: Dr. U. Hanefeld (TUD, Appl. Chem. and Catalysis), nomination for KNCV’s Golden Spatula Award
1987-1992 Georgian State Pedagogoc University (Tbilisi) - MSc in Biology/Chemistry Thesis: Influence of Adrenaline on Glucose Level Regulation in Blood
1982-1989 Music Academy (Tbilisi, Georgia), Piano class/Music theory                                 

Employment and Research Experience
2010-current Associate Professor at TUD/Biotechnology
2011-2019 Assistant Professor at TUD/ Biotechnology
2017-2018 Visiting Professor at Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS-Orléan;//s, FR
2007-current Head of the NMR facility, TUD/ Biotechnology
2001-2007 NMR researcher, TUD/DelftChemTech
1992-1993 Highschool teacher biology/chemistry (Tbilisi, GE)

Awards and selected funded research projects
2023 Invited Professorship, University of Orléans (FR)
2022 Swim to Fight Cancer, Delft campaign (10 k€)
2021 Delft University Fund, Technology for Health program, recognition of the project Nanoparticles in the fight against breast cancer (25 k€)
2018-2024 EMPIR-EURAMET: Radiotherapy Coupled with Hyperthermia: Adapting the Biol. Eq. Dose (215 k€)
2018-2024 HTSM-NWO-STW: Nanoparticles for image-guided thermo-brachytherapy (720 k€)
2017-2018 Le Studium Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies co-funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research innovation program under Marie SkÅ‚owdovska-Curie grant for Responsive Nanozeolites: Smart Porosity and Surface Tailoring for Multimodal Imaging and Therapy of Cancer (50 k€)
2013-2016 NWO-VENI grant: All dressed up with somewhere to go, Cell Penetrating Holmium Nanoparticles for Imaging and Therapy of Tumors (250 k€)
2010 DEWIS (Delft Women in Science) Award: The best female TUD PhD candidate 2009
2006-2010 Financial support by TUD Alumni Society and OHRA Health Insurance for the project “Tumorjacht” for its appeal to the general audience (75 k€)

(Inter)national Scientific Societies
2009-current European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI) and European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM), Member and Scietific Reviewer
2023-current Delft Health Initiatief (DHI), Board Member
2022-current Sounding Board for Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
2022-current ESMI Chemistry Study Group, founder and co-Chair
2018 Co-founder of Yound Dutch Molecular Imaging Community (DyMIC)
2011-2015 COST Actions:  TD1004 “Theragnostics Imaging and Therapy” and TD1007 “Bimodal PET-MRI molecular imaging technologies and applications for in vivo monitoring of disease and biological processes”, MC member
2008-2013 3Binding: Imaging, Evaluation and Treatment: Innovation of Nuclear Diagnostics and Therapy in Health Care, National programme supported by the Ministery of Economic Affair
Until 2009 European Molecular Imaging Laboratories (EMIL), Member

Managerial roles
2022-current Board of Examiners MSc Life Science and Technology (LST), Chair
2015-2022 Educational Board of Studies BSc-LST
2012-current Graduate School Mentor

2022-current Nuclear Medicine, 1st year MSc, Molecular Science and Technology (MST)
2022-current Invited Teacher at University of Padjadjaran (ID), Nano-chemistry and Medicine,MSc
2019-current Advanced Protein Chemistry and Analysis, 1st year MSc-LST
2014-current Molecular Analytical Methods, 2nd year BSc-LST
2014-2016 Invited Teacher at Department of Organic Chemistry, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City (MX), Chemistry of Medical Imaging Agents and Therapeutics, MSc
2013-2016 Chemical Biology 1 and 2, 2nd year BSc-MSc
2005-2008 High Education for Eldery People (HOVO)

Invited lectures (selection of 5)
2023/24/08 Radiolabeled Magnetic AMF-Responsive Nanoparticles as Gamechangers in Cancer Therapy, URSI-2023 General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Sapporo (JP)
2022/08/10 Plug-and-Play Principle in Design of Metal-Based Theranostic Probes” Cancéropôle Workshop: New Modalities in Cancer Imaging and Therapy, Erquy (FR)
2022/27/10 Nanotehnology: Potential Advances and Challenges in Cancer Research, El Seminario de Investigación Interdisciplinaria en Biomedicina de la UNAM, Mexico City (MX)
2022/27/06 Pushing the Boundaries for Nanotechnology to Meet Oncology, LE STUDIUM 25 Years Conference Understanding, preserving and improving the world around us, Orléans (FR)
2022/06/05 Porous Nanomaterials as Versatile Probes for Biomedical Applications, ACS Seminars@ IIT Mandi: Advances in Multifunctional Nanomaterials, New Deli (IN) 

Book contributions

  • Lanthanide Containing Systems for Molecular MR Imaging and Therapy, S. Lacerda, K. Djanashvili, C.S. Bonnet, Supramolecular Chemistry of Biomedical Imaging, S. Faulkner, T. Gunnlaugsson, G. Ó Máille (Eds), RSC Cambridge, 2020, Chapter 6, pp. 163-206
  • Imaging with Lanthanides, J.A. Peters, K. Djanashvili, C.F.G.C. Geraldes. Comprehensive Supra-molecular Chemistry II, Atwood, J.L., (Ed.), Oxford: Elsevier, 2017, vol. 8, pp. 261–293
  • Structure, Dynamics, and Computational Studies of Lanthanide-Based Contrast Agents. J.A. Peters, K. Djanashvili, C.F.G.C. Geraldes, C. Platas-Iglesias. The Chemistry of Contrast Agents in Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2nd Ed.  A.S. Merbach, L. Helm, É. Tóth (Eds), Wiley-VCH, 2013, Chapter 5, pp. 209-276


  • Synthesis of Hybride Palladium (103)/Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Thermobrachy Therapy. K. Djanashvili, G.C. van Rhoon, R. van Oossanen, A.G. Denkova, J.P. Pignol A. Maier, 2023, Dutch Patent NL2029314

Publications in international peer-reviewd journals (selection of 15 since 2013)

  • Exploration and exploitation of the uncommon pH profile of the dynamic covalent boronic acid - sialic acid interactions. J.A. Peters and K. Djanashvili. Coord.Chem.Rev.,2023, 491, 215254
  • From Structure to Function: Understanding Synthetic Conditions in Relation to Magnetic Properties of Hybrid Pd/Fe-oxide Nanoparticles. A. Maier, R. van Oossanen, G.C. van Rhoon, J.-P. Pignol, I. Dugulan, A. Denkova, and K. Djanashvili. Nanomaterials. 2022, 12, 36649
  • Feasibility Study on the Radiation Dose by Radioactive Magnetic Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Open-Source Brachytherapy. R. van Oossanen, J. Godart, J.M.C. Brown, A. Maier, J.-P. Pignol, A. G. Denkova, K. Djanashvili, and G.C. van Rhoon, Cancers, 2022, 14(22), 5427
  • On the Versatility of Linde Type L Nanozeolite for Biomedical Applications: Zirconium-89 Radiolabeling and in Vivo PET study. S. Lacerda, W. Zhang, R.T.M. de Rosales, I. Da Silva, J. Sobilo, S. Lerondel, É. Tóth, and K. Djanashvili. Appl. Mat. Interfaces 2022, 14, 29, 32788–32798
  • Towards Enhanced MRI Performance of Tumor-Specific Dimeric Phenylboronic Contrast Agents. J. Martinelli, L. Tei, S. Geninatti Crich, D. Alberti and K. Djanashvili. Molecules, 2021, 26, 1730.
  • Nuclear Waste and Biocatalysis. A Sustainable Liaison? W. Zhang, L. Huanhuan, M. van Schie, P.-L. Hagedoorn, M. Alcalde, A. Denkova, K. Djanashvili, and F. Hollmann. ACS Cat. 2020, 10, 14195-14200.
  • Solid-phase synthesis and evaluation of tumour-targeting phenylboronic-based MRI contrast agents. J. Martinelli, R. Jimenez-Juarez, D. Alberti, S. Geninatti Crich, and K. Djanashvili. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2020, 18, 7899-7906
  • Luminescence Properties of Self-Aggregating TbIII-DOTA-Functionalized Calix[4]arenes. F. Mayer, S. Tiruvadi Krishnan, D.T. Schühle, S.V. Eliseeva, S. Petoud, É Tóth, and K. Djanashvili. Front. Chem., 2018, 6, 1-9
  • Surface PEG Grafting Density Determines Magnetic Relaxation Properties of Gd-Loaded Porous Nanoparticles for MR Imaging Applications. W. Zhang, J. Martinelli, J.A. Peters, J.M.A. van Hengst, H. Bouwmeester, E.  Kramer, C.S. Bonnet, F. Szeremeta, É. Tóth, and K. Djanashvili, Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 23458-23465
  • Nanoparticles of Lanthanide Oxysulfate/Oxysulfide for Improved Oxygen Storage/Release. W. Zhang, I.W.C.E. Arends, and K. Djanashvili. Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 14019-14022
  • Fate of Organic Functionalities Conjugated to Theranostic Nanoparticles upon their Activation. J. Martinelli, A.G. Denkova, A. Arranja, B.E. Terpstra, W. Zhang, and K. Djanashvili. Bioconj. Chem. 2016, 27, 446−456.
  • Prototropic Exchange Governs T1 and T2 Relaxivities of a Potential MRI Contrast Agent Nanozeolite Gd-LTL with a High pH Responsiveness. W. Zhang, J.A. Peters, F. Mayer, L. Helm, and K. Djanashvili. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2015, 119, 5080-5089
  • Molecular Architecture Control in Synthesis of Spherical Ln-Containing Nanoparticles. W. Zhang, J. Martinelli, F. Mayer, C.S. Bonnet, F. Szeremeta, and K. Djanashvili. RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 69861-69869
  • Nanozeolite-LTL with GdIII Deposited in the Large and EuIII in the Small Cavities as a Magnetic Resonance Optical Imaging Probe. F. Mayer, W. Zhang, T. Brichart, O. Tillement, C.S. Bonnet, É. Tóth, J.A. Peters, and K. Djanashvili, Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 3358-3364.
  • MRI Visualization of Melanoma Cells by Targeting Overexpressed Sialic Acid with a Gd(III)-dota-en-pba Imaging Reporter. S. Geninatti Crich, D. Alberti, I. Szabo, S. Aime, and K. Djanashvili. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 1161-1164

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